Tuesday, July 28, 2009

midnight post

i got really bad insomnia. and you know i was writing this post in the middle of my room's darkness
again, me for being stupid. i was trying to be a stalker hahahaha. i read all his/her write. damn it!

after that, my head sang :

you've got to moooveee ooon!!! yea yea yeaaah

hahah maaf saya sedang insomnia jadi ngomongnya udah ngalor ngidul gajelas.

okay, i stopped for being stalker and trying to write what's my mind says.

she/he told me that it wasnt me she/he mentioned on his p*.
its okay.. thats very okay. cz i dont really care who is that. and i know im gonna win this war. hahaha apa sih gue.

and among this darkness
im gonna tell you that

i wish i could call him. or we spend the night with vidio call again?? hahahaha

p.s i hate insomnia

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