Tuesday, December 08, 2009

randomly pick! hihi -dentistry life-

in the lowest point when i had nothing to hope

me : hopeless

x : hopeless do more!!

me : how can i do more when i had no more hope?

x : it means just do it! and then you'll know, actually your spirit is never disappear.. =)

thank you. : )

Sunday, August 30, 2009


tomorrow is my first time in college..
yihaa! wish me luck people.
gotta go sleep, bye (kiss)

im friendless and need someone's shoulder to cry on..


its just..

is that a sin when im saying that i feel like i miss the person who definitely isnt missing me at all?

Friday, August 14, 2009

go recycling!

i made these things,

an old calendar paper

milo's sachets paper

old magazines

and also old photobox

into.. this COOL NOTES!

cover page 1

back of cover page 1

cover page 2

back of cover page 2

sorry for my camera badness

i'd love to..


rabekha and me

my skate crew

the crew, himawan, rabekha, irfan, and andi

big love for my scarf which made my day :)

Friday, August 07, 2009

im painting on MY SHOES!

i know it looks like an 'amatir' hehehe

Thursday, July 30, 2009

today's outfit

i hardly decided where i supposed to go today, and finally i decided to accompany lara looking for backpack with devi and her sister, dissa. actually i have no idea about what im gonna wear, so i spent almost one hour to pick a white tee, a scarf, denim skirt, black and white anya bag and my sister sneakers. very good for one hour pick. hahhaha

i love this mirror ;p

tomorrow : maybe attending the sold out reunion. hope it'll be fun

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

i miss you girls

minus silmy, tika, uthe and amalia

midnight post

i got really bad insomnia. and you know i was writing this post in the middle of my room's darkness
again, me for being stupid. i was trying to be a stalker hahahaha. i read all his/her write. damn it!

after that, my head sang :

you've got to moooveee ooon!!! yea yea yeaaah

hahah maaf saya sedang insomnia jadi ngomongnya udah ngalor ngidul gajelas.

okay, i stopped for being stalker and trying to write what's my mind says.

she/he told me that it wasnt me she/he mentioned on his p*.
its okay.. thats very okay. cz i dont really care who is that. and i know im gonna win this war. hahaha apa sih gue.

and among this darkness
im gonna tell you that

i wish i could call him. or we spend the night with vidio call again?? hahahaha

p.s i hate insomnia

INSOMNIA! huhuhu

i cant sleeeeeeppp!!!! :((((((

Thursday, July 23, 2009

a midnight pray

ya Allah..
i follow my path to be a dentist
bless me to be a good dentist
and to be a KPK member
i dont know how, but surely i know you know how
please make me sure that dentist is my way
and somehow i could be a KPK member, please
and also, please fit the drg title to my name
because i still think its sounds strange with my name
thank you..

i made these yummy thingy todaaay :)

whiteoreo cornflakes

cupcake with choco topping! yummmm

chocosprinkles cornflakes

oh of course, i wont make this blog to be a food blog.
i just love cooking lately.. :)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

cooking daaay!!

what we made : cupcakes choco flakes
who made it : gini, lara, devi, me

step one.. mix all the ingredients until light and creamy

step two.. put the mixture in cake cases

ready to bake!

bake for 20 minutes


give them melt chocolate on top and also the corn flakes

yumm-o! ;)

thanks to lara devi and gini.. ;)
what a tiring day. i was being a maid since my last maid gone. hiks

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

hello vintage!

i found this very cute skirt on my mom's closet! too cute to throw it away..

then, try it on!!

i wonder why uploading these picture taking looooooong time?
nacht people!

afternoon sushi

me and old friends went to sushi ya tis square today. great place and sushi.. hihihi

spicy salmon roll.. YUMM!

fida, me and nadhilla

azi, fida, me and nadhilla

what a great day! i love sushi anyway! and since tomorrow is my cooking day, rite now im googling for the recipe of cucpake frosting.. yihaaa! im going to make cupcakes and decorate it.
see you tomorrow!

Monday, July 13, 2009

my new layout

welcoming my fresh ideas with fresh layout..
which one do you prefer? this or the old one?

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


im in the middle of silence
still wondering, will the title fit to my name?
for me, its sounds strange

still, trap among the boredom
this holiday seems to killing me

Saturday, June 27, 2009


some friends and my mom also said my hairdo wasnt change me much.
hiks :'(
sorry for not taking picture about my hair

pamela is in town!

she's my oldie cell which confiscated last year.. and nooow she's BAAACK! yihaw!
i miss all the freaako pictures inside of her and also my messages in there.

introducing : pamela

bad news : all messages in pamela's inbox is gooone! :(((( only my messages in sent items left. oh also in mumsms application. you know, from those messages i realized how foolish i was :'(

sorry for my english badness, its too late to think about grammar :p

jakarta clothing expo

the girls and me went there yesterday.. such a great event tapi rame bangetzz :(( dan pusing, karena isinya distro semua gitu.. dan isinya orang ngerokok semua. -__-. lumayan sih murah".

best buy! only 5o.ooo ;p

the girls

me and the new blogger, nuri

sorry girls, i was too exited :p

(pictures taken by nisun)

oh, and also i bought a tee for hilfi amri ;)

check out another stories about this here and here

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

for the sake of new look

im gonna cut my hair. stick woth long hair.. may be i'll remodel it.
this is what i promise to myself if i got the faculty of dentistry
wait and see ;)


oh yes, again. the faculty of dentistry!!! thank you Allah.. i do love you.

Friday, June 12, 2009

we're gonna wave goodbye

in a week or less, we're not gonna under the same roof again friends.
the emptiness we'll feel, its a price from our future.

we're not gonna be together forever, but we'll never be apart.

big love civeramoz alxondiscreduso

its 1:36 morning.

then, i made this henna by myself.. haha

sorry for my ugly feet ;p

i have to remind you that im still beginner in henna world.

nite.. ;D

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

shop-til-you-drop part 2

destination : pasar mayestik
how to get there? trans kemang sampe ratu plaza terus taxi smp depan pasar
who? nuri, fara and me
shopping list : KERUDUNG WISUDA, handmade necklace equipments
oh, and also reapiring lolita, my fish eye.

THE SURVIVOR, at the elevator of fabrics shop

the cronology :
awal pencarian kerudung wisuda, kita masih ceria seperti bunga yang baru mekar. nggak lama, tje moodnya udah mulai goyang diterpa angin mayestik. dan gue masih semangat perjuangan buat nayri si kerudung sial itu. okay, baiklah.. setelah duajam muter" CAPEK BOLAK BALIK KELUAR MASUK TOKO TEKSTIL kita menemukan suatu bahan bagus. dan, PENCARIAN BAHAN TERSEBUT DIMULAILAH sampai pada kekejaman bahwa bahan tersebut tidaklah seistimewa dan sebagus yang digembar-gemborkan oleh si abang penjualnya. dan kami memulai hampir dari awal lagi untuk mencari bahan yg pada awalnya udah diniatin buat dicari. tidak ada jalan lain dan kita dikejar waktu. OH NO! akhirnya kita pasrah kalo pilihan kembali jatuh pada bahan kerudung awal.. setelah kembali ke toko yg menjual bahan tersebut.. dikira kita udah bebas nggak ada masalah maunya beres TAPI... JENG JENG JEEEENG : BAHANNYA KURANG UNTUK 55 ORANG! ya ampun. dengan kata lain HARUS NYARI BAHAN YG SAMA SISANYA. serasa mayestik punya gue sndiri aja. seperti bangunannya akan runtuh dan menimpa kaki gue. (lebay)
baiklah dengan mood yang udah jelek parah kita bertiga tetap survive buat beli kerudung huhuu. abis itu langsung aja hajar neciin kerudung di pasar SAMPE JAM 6 BARU KELAR. oh my god.

setelah selesai neci, suasana pasar hampir sepi, toko" udah pada tutup dan gelap. yaiyalah udah malem. akhirnya kita naik taxi ke sensi buat solat terus pulang dengan trans.. ternyata oh ternyata.. pas lagi jalan di trotoar tiba" nuri melihat sesosok bus besaar dengan tulisan TRANS KEMANG PRATAMA di tengah keramaian kota malam, sedangkan KITA MASIH JAUH DARI STOPAN TRANS! yang selanjutnya terjadi adalah GUE FARA DAN NURI MENGEJAR TRANS KEMANG DENGAN BUNYI SENDAL YANG TEPLAK TEPLEK DAN DILIATIN SEMUA ORANG YANG ADA DI TROTOAR. oh my god! untungnya trans berhenti dan kita naik trans dengan selamat. sesungguhnya yang terjadi pas kita naik transnya orang" yang udah penuh duduk di dlm trans berpikiran : gila nih cewe" cinta ama trans sampe segitunya plus ngeliatin dengan tatapan yawn. o ow.

pelajaran moral yang bisa diambil dari kisah hari ini adalah : kejarlah trans dengan sendal yang bunyinya teplak teplek kalo lari, sesungguhnya bunyi itu dapat membuat kondektur trans meminta sopir untuk berhenti. huahahahaha


shop-til-you-drop part 1

destination : mall ambassador
how to get there? dari lampiri m26 sampe terminal lanjut m44
who? anis, devi, dissa and me
shopping lists : maxi dress, red bag, lenses or sunnies, neckalce or earrings, HIGH HEELS!, etc

devi the kiddo

best buy

idioticly me